Customer Testimonials

What our customers are saying about Perfect Backup

"I recommend the software. It has many features and is very reliable. It is also very easy to set up, no advanced knowledge is required.
I use this program with very good results."

- Laura K.

" I found that it worked great, especially for a no wasted background resources point of view.
For me all I wanted to do is have uncompressed backup files synced up daily, weekly, and monthly. Unlike many other programs Perfect Backup supports syncronization."

- Gordon M.

"One of the only backup programs that supports many backup types, with encryption and incremental backups. It also provides several types of the reports, and supports email notifications for backups."

- Aaron

"Amazing app! I've been using it for 2 months now for a multiple locations backup using different endpoints (USB / FTP / Google Drive) on a daily basis. I've been able to recover lost files in few clicks, synchronize large folders with a huge amount of files and all of that with the trust of encryption. Thanks for the wonderful software! "

- James P.

"I must say your program is great! I was able to restore my files to desired date in few clicks. The result is very accurate. I tried other programs, and they don't restore your files correctly: the removed and renamed files can be found in the output folder."

- Tom

"PerfectBackup is great for local network backups. It will be a bit of learning to get the options and setup right — but once set, you rarely ever will change them. Just do you job, and everything else (backup) will be done automatically."

- Allan H

"Your software is incredible – super fast and actually does what it is meant to! Just 4 or 5 MB is the size of installer. Really? It has all features other big commercial products do. But it's free!"

- Steve C.